We, The Libertarian Party of South Central Virginia (LPSCV), do here by take up the charge to affect a change, through peaceable measures, in the governing bodies that affect our lives. We commit ourselves to working toward a smaller, less intrusive government. We will promote personal freedom and property rights. Through peaceful assembly, education of the public and politicians, and running candidates for local, state, and federal offices, we will maintain a visible presence in the Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie, Hopewell, Petersburg, and Prince George area.
1. Libertarian Party of South Central Virginia (LPSCV) Membership
1.1 Members of LPSCV must be eligible voting members of the Libertarian Party of Virginia.
1.2 Members must reside in the counties of Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Prince George, or the cities of Colonial Heights, Hopewell, or Petersburg.
2. Board of LPSCV
2.1 LPSCV shall be governed by an elected board. Members of the board will be elected by majority vote at the LPSCV convention to be held each year. Members of LPSCV will be given thirty days notice of the convention.
2.2 The governing board shall consist of five positions; Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and one At Large member.
2.2.1 The Chair will run the day to day operations of LPSCV. The chair will collaborate with the secretary to set the agenda for the monthly board meetings. The chair will have one vote at the monthly board meeting.
2.2.2 The Vice Chair will stand in for the Chair in his absence. The vice chair will supervise the committees. The vice chair will have one vote at monthly board meeting.
2.2.3 The Treasurer will keep records of fundraising and expenses for all party functions, and file reports as required by local, state, and Federal law. The treasurer will have one vote at the monthly board meeting.
2.2.4 The Secretary will keep minutes of board meetings. The secretary will collaborate with the chair to set the agenda for the monthly board meeting. The secretary will notify members of the agenda at least one week prior to the board meeting. The secretary will have one vote at the monthly board meeting.
2.2.5 The At Large member will serve as liaison to the members of LPSCV. The at large member will have one vote each at the monthly board meeting.
2.3 A vacancy is defined as a board member resigning, missing 3 consecutive board meetings, or being removed from his/her position in accordance with bylaw 2.4. In the event that a board position becomes vacant, a new officer will be elected by the remaining board members. If the chairman vacates his/her post, the vice chair will become the chair and the board will elect a new vice chair.
2.4 A two-thirds vote of total membership, where a motion for removal is proposed, will be required to remove an officer. At least fourteen days prior to the vote, notification of the motion will be provided in writing to the officer to be removed, and a copy will be sent to the LPSCV members.
2.5 In the event of two or more simultaneous board position vacancies, a special convention will be held to fill the vacant board positions. Current LPSCV members will be provided a thirty day notice of this special convention in writing.
2.6 The governing board will meet once a month to assess and set goals, authorize expenditures, address issues relevant to LPSCV and address issues brought forward from advisory committees. Members will be welcome at all board meetings and are encouraged to participate.
2.6.1 Board meeting quorum will be two-thirds of the governing board.
2.6.2 LPSCV members will be notified of the board meeting by email at least one week prior.
2.7 All appropriations of LPSCV funds must be approved through a recorded vote by a majority of current board members.
2.8 LPSCV board members may not hold any leadership position in, or seek elected or appointed office as a nominee of any other political party.
3. Committees
3.1 Committees may be created by the governing board. These committees will inform the board on issues pertaining to local, state, and federal governing bodies.
4. LPSCV Convention
4.1 The LPSCV convention will be held once every calendar year.
4.2 The convention will elect new board members by majority vote.
4.2.1 Members may seek positions on the governing board.
4.2.2 Elections for board members will be conducted by secret ballot. LPSCV secretary shall be responsible for providing a sufficient number of ballots.
4.2.3 Prior to voting for board members the convention shall appoint two members who are not candidates to tally the votes.
4.2.4 Members may approve electronic voting methods by majority vote.
4.3 Amendments to the LPSCV Bylaws may be proposed at the convention.
4.3.1 Amendments may only be sponsored by LPSCV members.
4.3.2 Amendments will be passed when approved by majority vote.
4.3.3 Bylaws may not be amended outside an LPSCV convention.
4.4 Current LPSCV members will be notified by the Secretary via email at least thirty days prior to the convention.
4.5 Credentialed members at the LPSCV convention must be members of LPSCV for at least thirty days within the previous twelve months. However, LPSCV members who do not meet the 30-day requirement at the time of the convention may be credentialed members if the majority of the credentialed members present who meet the 30-day requirement vote to waive said requirement.
4.6 A quorum shall be one-half of all credentialed members at the LPSCV convention.
5. Governing Law
5.1 LPSCV will be subject to the bylaws of the Libertarian Party of Virginia.
5.2 LPSCV will be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Last amended: 14 January 2023